Friday, February 04, 2011

Interview with "Love in the Time of Dinosaurs" author, Kirsten Alene

Posted by Mickey Z on 02/04 at 04:03 AM
  1. 12 minute movie break:

    Posted by subgenius from hell-A  on  02/04  at  11:47 AM
  2. Aged about 16, me and a mate declared an Independent Republic. We emailed a National News network. I think it was the “Marxist Mongoose Peoples Republic of...”
    that was founded on that day.
    They didn’t reply to our email, and Google Earth seems to have missed it off their map.

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from   on  02/04  at  05:56 PM
  3. Hi Rick,

    Dunno about the Marxist Mongoose… (must have been missing from the atlas I had as a kid too)

    ...but I am running an operating system on this laptop called Maverick Meercat...!

    captcha knows it’s “open” source

    Posted by subgenius from hell-A  on  02/04  at  08:11 PM
  4. Maybe we need to declare virtual independence here?

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  02/05  at  06:33 AM
  5. Good Morning everyone. I am reminded once again, there is absolutely no hope, I have NO optimism america will come out of its coma like state.

    We’ve been ripe for at least 40 years and have had justification for objecting loudly to this barbaric inhumane system, yet I hear people say we must compromise with the savages and Earth killers.

    What compromise could they be alluding to? It’s okay to bomb only half the Planet and life forms. It’s okay to poison 95% of all water, air, soil, life forms. What the hell is compromise when that’s all we’ve been doing. No, not compromising, we’ve been relinquishing life to the slaughter gang.

    The love for the most abusive authority. the poor creatures. Write everything in granite, send out the police to enforce it, people are happy, everything is very clear, precise, no need to think. Some goddamned Organic Farmer thinks we should compromise with Monsanto. Monsanto loves the meek, the weak, those willing to die for the cause of greed and insanity for the billionaire.

    What the hell is compromise? How do you compromise with poison, with bombs, with insanity? What the hell is compromise? Torture me only 5 days a week instead of 7? The poor, the weak should make concessions with the billionaires and the firing squad. We need to allow the popes, the priests, the bishops to rape a few little boys and girls, at least occasionally.

    Amerikans can think of themselves as nice white people for compromising, for thanking the oppressors and killers.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  02/05  at  11:01 AM
  6. Dead on, as always, Joe. To borrow from Malcolm X: “You don’t stick a knife in a man’s back nine inches and then pull it out six inches and say you’re making progress.”

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  02/05  at  11:10 AM
  7. Hi Everyone

    Just popping in to say that the mainstream political comment on Egypt has been making me physically sick. There’s simply no shame about discussing a dictator when it suits their interests.

    Of course,we all know this already but it’s even less of a surprise how most media are not outraged by it all.

    Foaming at the mouth about liberty at home, but then discussing how a dictator may be ‘necessary’ abroad is surely simple racism.

    On Rick’s point, the easiest way to disprove the laughable myth of ‘freedoms’ in so called democracies is to meaningfully try to opt out of it - or actually use the freedoms - and see where it gets you.

    Posted by Andy from Shanghai  on  02/05  at  07:20 PM
  8. Hey Andy...long time, no see.

    I just put up a new post, btw.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  02/06  at  06:23 AM