Mickey Z

Cool Observer

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"The babies just come with the scenery"

Posted by Mickey Z on 08/22 at 05:47 AM
  1. Keir, from yestiday, Hoffman sez things I find fascinating and things I find repellent, I´m not interested in judging him as a person. I´m more interested in weighing the information itself no matter who it comes from. If Hitler told you Paris was the capital of France and Gandhi told you it was Karachi would you take Gandhi´s word for it?

    Posted by owen from barcelona  on  08/22  at  07:16 AM
  2. Hell’s Kitchen is the capital of New York State, have I ever mentioned that?

    Sigh… inspiring post as I head off to my job at the corporate war machine now.

    Posted by James from Hell's Kitchen  on  08/22  at  07:23 AM
  3. Chilling post Mickey.

    Owen, I don’t think it’s as simple as you suggest. That dude has placed “fascinating” bits of information in the context of what seems to be a lifetime dedication to spreading messages of hate and lies, along with enough fascinating truths to attract adherents. Sure I’d take Hitler’s word that Paris is the capital of France, but I probably wouldn’t quote him if I was trying to convince someone of the virtues of a vegetarian diet.

    Is anyone else writing about the enslavement of the Irish in early America?

    Posted by Keir from The Hague (Jackowski election hdqts)  on  08/22  at  07:45 AM
  4. First Patti Smith, now Chrissie Hynde.  Excellent stuff, MZ.

    We need more danger in rock n roll.

    Posted by Hawk from Boulder, CO  on  08/22  at  08:23 AM
  5. Your one of the great artists Mickey. I’m fortunate to know you. I’m truly stunned by your post today. It’s such an obvious point to make and it’s the most important one.

    A little story. This is my 4th time trying to get your blog to load this morning. Hooray it worked! I was wondering for a minute if you had been hacked. After the third attempt I went to “boing boing” and saw this post.


    Got me to wonder if the next little false flag event will be brought on by those clever radical cyber vegans. God only knows what the airports would be like after that.


    Peace and love everyone.


    Posted by Luna_C from The Delta  on  08/22  at  10:39 AM
  6. Thanks for the links, Luna.  I just used the first one in a post at my place.

    Posted by Hawk from Boulder, CO, USA  on  08/22  at  10:59 AM
  7. Hello everyone.

    It’s sad and frustrating to talk to people in this country about the subject of today’s post.  I sent out an email to people I know with a link of pictures the children we have killed in Iraq and received back angry responses about how war is hell and babies die in war, “it can’t be helped.” Then when blowback occurs and our babies or Israeli babies die there is outpouring of anger and disbelief.

    I guess we could call it selective outrage.

    I know my outrage is real and true and justified because my anger boils as children are killed by anyone’s bombs or bullets, but more so when they are paid for with my tax dollars.

    Posted by JOS from Chicago  on  08/22  at  11:11 AM
  8. Hello Mickey, Keir, Owen, Hawk, James, Luna & JOS (and whichever Expendable(s) I’m likely simultyping with!)

    That particular excerpt from Chrissie Hynd always disturbed me, and it’s seems to have never been more timely than now (and all the time in between).

    JOS, the selective outrage you describe is so utterly frustrating as to be beyond words.  Tit for tat, then? Will those who utter such apathy and disconnect accept the same response in return when they lament the death of US troops, or upon the looming anniversary on Sept. 11th?

    Hypocrisy has inserted itself into the mainstream to such an extent that I fail to see the need to even point it out, it is so offensive to the rational thinking person’s intelligence that it shouldn’t need to be said, however millions upon millions only believe the drivel that talks at them through the idiot box’s cable channels.

    It’s all happened “before”...

    Posted by Amelopsis from Canadumb  on  08/22  at  11:23 AM
  9. Hello Expendables. Another nice summer day in NYC. You know, I was planning to ask about JOS, Luna, the Empress, and others...and voila here you are.

    Thanks for the great responses to today’s post.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  08/22  at  01:26 PM
  10. Selective outrage, hypocracy...Derrick Jensen has called it “silencing”. I think it’s straight up racist. I suppose some of you know about this disturbing new development in the history of bullshit. (To clarify, I’m calling out the people making the accusation.)

    Posted by Keir from The Hague (Jackowski election hdqts)  on  08/22  at  02:09 PM
  11. Hey all. I don’t have anything much to add about todays post, you guys have it on the money, and anyway I’m feeling slightly shakey as a guy just got stabbed (to death, I think) outside our house. Thats probably de rigeur for hard bitten New Yorkers, but I’m not used to that shit.

    Posted by Mew from crime scene  on  08/22  at  02:59 PM
  12. Hello Mew, Keir, Amelopsis, JOS, Hawk, Luna, James…

    Mickey...very powerful front page today. I hope that you use it often. It says everything.

    Amelopsis...talking about hypocrisy. I just noticed on Google that some one has taken my last article and changed it so that it supports war and racism. I know that things like that happen on the Internet. I have received death threats and been called a terrorist on the web. That does not bother me at all, but I wonder how common this plagiarizing with a malicious intent is. The changed article has my name as the author. Now my name is attached to a racist, pro-war article. It is on an obscure blog site that I have NEVER visited till I saw my name attached to it on Google. The blogger’s name is ‘BRAINFARMER’. I think it is a UK blog site. How common is this? Has anyone else had this experience? Mickey???? Keir???? Anybody???

    Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  08/22  at  03:53 PM
  13. Hi RMJ Just stopped by and saw your post.  The US and I believe the UK have entire teams devoted to spreading disinfo on the net. I wouldn’t be surprised if you got caught in the mix. 

    Did you try and contact him and demand he take the article down?

    Posted by Luna_C from workies  on  08/22  at  04:10 PM
  14. Luna...I have not done anything yet. It is one of those blog sites that you have to register and log in.

    Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  08/22  at  04:17 PM
  15. I’ve faced many forms of harassment, RMJ, but as far as I know, that hasn’t happened to me. If you want us to get in touch with “brainfarmer,” just ask.

    Also, I like your idea to run today’s post again. In fact, maybe once a month. I just wish we could get more folks to visit this site. Anyone have suggestions?

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  08/22  at  04:45 PM
  16. Hey Mickey the downside of blogs is that some stuff which should remain up on top gets pushed to the bottom as the days go by. Check out bagnewsnotes.com, there’s a nice system there for keeping good stuff (like your post today) prominent. As for getting more people to the site, well, I bring you up at mine whenever possible but then, you’re one of four people reading mine!

    Rosemarie I wouldn’t worry too much about the reactionary attack; the guy seems to put you in the same category as Fisk and Chomsky (fine company if you ask me). He’d leave you alone entirely if you weren’t saying anything important. Just keep doing what you’re doing.

    Posted by Keir from The Hague (Jackowski election hdqts)  on  08/22  at  06:01 PM
  17. I agree with James:  an inspiring if somewhat depressing post, Mickey!  And one wants to underline every word in the Ward Churchill quote.

    ‘Hello’, Owen, James, Keir, Hawk, Luna_C, Amelopsis, Mew and, last but by no means least, Rosemarie.  The last days of winter are upon us and it feels like spring already. 

    Ciao expendables ..

    Posted by Helga Fremlin from Daylesford, Australia  on  08/22  at  06:05 PM
  18. Thanks, Mickey. I will rely on your judgement about ‘BRAINFARMER’. I will give the URL, if it will help. Maybe a little controversy here would bring up the numbers of visitors.
    I don’t think that any big changes should be made here. I like the idea of the forum being so open with no complicated log-on process. The only thing I would change is that I would be a little more controversial. I have noticed that I get the biggest response when my articles are the “least nice”. For example, calling for peace seems to be useless. Calling for reparations for the #1 enemy, as perceived by the majority in this country, brings a bigger response. Also, having any kind of contest where participation is invited...with a really controversial theme...controversy, and also attacking the mistakes of MSM individuals by name sometimes brings attention.  I don’t know. I admire anyone who is dedicated enough to have a site such as this one. I’m sure that there are a lot of better ideas out there among the Expendables. ......Most people didn’t know who Churchill was until he used the “E” word. Others had made the same point, but in a less controversial way, and their messages were not heard by most people.

    Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  08/22  at  06:20 PM
  19. Thanks Keir and Helga...we were all symultyping.
    Keir...thanks for your kind words. I don’t mind criticism from that guy who wasn’t smart enough to write his own article. I worry about someone reading the article and thinking that I wrote it because he kept my name on it. I guess that’s not “plagiarizing”. I don’t even know what you call that.
    I am thankful for the company of all of the comrades here tonight because I am a little distracted. My daughter might go into labor at any time now and I will have to rush off to take care of my little grandson while she is having the new baby. Oh yes, my daughter’s mid-wife is scheduled to leave for India shortly so we are not sure how things are going to work out. Anybody out there want to come up here and catch a new little Expendable as he/she is being born? (Thanks for the graphic today, Mickey. Perfect timing. It has come in handy.)

    Posted by RMJ from Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  08/22  at  06:36 PM
  20. Good evening all, and to RMJ a special wish for a healthy new grandchild.

    It’s a comfort to know I am not alone in my frustration in dealing with those who think war is the only solution, regardless of the body count.  To object or express an alternative is to be considered beneath contempt.

    Another wonderful post, Mickey, with excellent responses from everyone.

    Posted by Canadian Observer from   on  08/22  at  08:03 PM
  21. RMJ, I echo Canadian Observer in wishing your family the best. As for being more controversial, it’s a tree-falling-in-the-forest deal. even if I into potential orange jumpsuit territory, it’s not like many people even know this site. Hardly worth the risk.

    Anyway, I appreciate the great comments today. Tune in tomorrow for some insight into why Osama bin Laden is so damn cranky.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  08/22  at  08:29 PM

Next entry: Osama wants your mortgage

Previous entry: 175 years ago: Nat Turner puts the South on notice

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