Mickey Z

Cool Observer

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's time to embrace a darker shade of green

In the words of Richard Marcus: “Even if every single person in the United States were to change all their light-bulbs to fluorescent, cut the amount they drive in half, recycle half of their household waste, inflate their tire pressure to increase gas mileage, use low flow shower heads and wash clothes in lower temperature water, adjusts their thermostats two degrees up or down depending on the season, and plant a tree, it would result in a one time, 21% reduction in carbon emissions.”

For those of you scoring at home, that’s a one time, 21% reduction in carbon emissions. We compost, we drive hybrids, we bring our own bag to the market but meanwhile, the U.S. military and its fellow polluters—transnational corporations—treat the planet like it’s a porta-potty...with little or no opposition from the general population. In fact, the military typically enjoys unconditional support even from those who identify as “anti-war.”

Keep this in mind the next time you hear the phrase “war on terror”: Our tax dollars are subsidizing a global eco-terror campaign and all the recycled toilet paper in the world ain’t gonna change that.

Read the full post here


Speaking of dark greens...five Expendables were spotted at Central Park’s Literary Walk on Saturday, August 8:

Keir, MZ, James, JOS, and Charles


Stoned poetry

Posted by Mickey Z on 08/12 at 04:09 AM
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