Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Coming soon: My new novel, "Darker Shade of Green"

It will be published by in April 2011.

A random excerpt:

What amazed me most was Allie’s hand movement from the chessboard to the time clock. It was like he knew exactly how far each piece was from the clock. In blitz chess, every second counts and Allie’s fluid motion gave him a major league edge. Plus, I just loved to hear him lecture as he played.

“A good opening is vital, but vastly overrated,” Allie whispered to his overmatched opponent. “The opening lays the foundation and sets the pace for the middle-game.” His opponent made a tentative move and I noticed a minute smirk on Allie’s face as he aimed a subtle glance in my direction.

“What most people neglect to accept,” declared Allie, “is the necessary improvisation of the endgame.”

As he spoke the word “endgame,” Allie plunked down his bishop and his opponent meekly offered his hand in resignation. I knew what Allie really meant by “endgame,” but this poor sap only knew that he had just gotten his chess butt royally kicked.

You can order my first novel, CPR for Dummies, here

You can order my second novel, Dear Vito, here


Another of my recent photos:

Just imagine what our lungs look like


Poem: “limbic haiku"

Posted on 02/08 at 05:22 AM
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